Friday, January 2, 2009

What is Hot What is Not 2009

Based on this years reflections, I have made some predictions for 2009.

Top 10 Winners for 2009

1. Personal Responsibility

2. Financial Diversification

3. Mobile Malware

4. Weight Loss

5. Going Green

6. Social

7. Cloud Computing

8. Virtual Collaboration

9. Video

10. RSS

Top 10 Losers for 2009

1. Global Economy

2. Republicans and Conservatives

3. Hollywood

4. China

5. Somali Pirates

6. Financial Services Industry

7. Corrupted Politicians

8. Security or Securities

9. Outsourcing

10. Gasoline

Details of 2009 What is Hot and What is Not

Or take a look back in time and compare the list to the last few years What is Hot and What is Not Lists

2008 What is Hot What is Not List

2007 What is Hot What is Not List


[Source: A Small Business Blog and Small Business Tips Related to Growing, Marketing and Managing a Small Business.]