Look outside of your box, read books from other business entrepreneurs, try and see how they made a change work for them, read your wife's Cosmopolitan - your husband's Mens Health magazine, look at other industries, ask your kids what they like, be interested in anything and ask yourself all the time, what if.....?Your customer calls to complain about the last order - what if?... What if, applies to all aspects of your small business or startup business, like SOHO-, SME, SMB-, Micro-, Lifestyle-, Home-, DIY-, Hobby-, Boomer- or Personal business, like professional, contractors, freelancer, self-employed, sole-trader and virtual assistants: Customer Care & Support;Sales;Marketing & PR;Accounting & Credit ControlEspecially Business Planning, and so on ....It just does not end, you may not be the next Einstein, but I bet you, you will get some pretty good answers from yourself, if you bother to find the right "What If....?"