Often you wonder why it is so difficult to get new business from existing clients or new clients, and often the answer to that is we build business barriers.Time and time again you phone a business and you are confronted with the one of the following scenarios: Nobody answers the telephone - that is probably one of the biggest barriers I see over and over again, often not even a answer machine, although I don't like those either; when you see this happening with virtual assistants (VA), then it's no surprise that the business is not working;There is no contact information on the web-site or e-shop - would you buy from a website, if you don't even know the name of the business or it's address, I hope not, even worse if you don't even have a web-site;No call back - you promise your customer a call back and you than forget;No staff training - it's a big turnoff if only the "boss" knows about the products and service, because anyone knows there are only 24 hours in a day for anyone;No Credit Cards - you need to accept any type of payment possible, up the price by the credit card fee.These are just a few points, you need to look at your business with your customers eyes. Learn when you go shopping or order items, write down if you think you got treated badly or if you enjoyed the experience, and then compare it to what you do in your small business or start-up business, like SOHO-, SME, SMB-, Micro-, Lifestyle-, Home-, DIY-, Hobby-, Boomer- or Personal business, like professional, contractors, freelancer, self-employed, sole-trader and virtual assistants.How often did you get annoyed with some company, not because their product is bad, but it is hard work to place an order.